New SmartNotes Release 2.4

The new SmartNotes version 2.4 will be available on 31 August 2016.

The major new feature it includes is a new recycle bin function to restore chapters and even entire SN documents. In addition, ‘restore from history’ function for individual Office files has been improved significantly: all linked tables, text values, references, etc. are restored together with the selected file.
SmartNotes 2.4 also offers the possibility to synchronise user groups with the ActiveDirectory (AD): if the user is a member of a certain group in AD, s/he obtains the corresponding permissions in SmartNotes. ‘Import Document Values’ and ‘Roll Forward Document’ functions have been improved significantly: report data that cannot be imported or rolled forward is analysed before the process is started.

The Disclosure Checklist gets a new ‘look’ in SmartNotes 2.4: a tree structure enables users to comfortably find and assign ‘disclosures’.

Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
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